Discrimination against children in rented properties
3 May 2021
About the consultation
The Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013 (“the Law”) protects people from discrimination on various grounds, including age. The Discrimination Law covers the buying and renting (“disposal”) of property.
At present, the Law does not include age discrimination in relation to the disposal or management of premises (Article 24 of the Law).
This means, as the Law currently stands, a prospective or existing tenant of residential property can be discriminated against by a landlord or the manager of a premises by the fact they have a child or children living with them.
In October 2020, the Social Security Minister (“the Minister”) undertook, as part of the Government Plan, to bring forward legislation to remove this exception. The effect of removing it would include prohibiting discrimination against potential or existing residential tenants, who have a child or children.
Members of the States Assembly have previously given support to a backbench Proposition for a change in the Law in this respect:
Housing: prevention of discrimination by landlords against tenants with children on the States Assembly website
Draft Regulations have been prepared and the Minister is now issuing them as the basis of this consultation exercise.